Milk Makeup Spray Nail Polish
  • shopstyle

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$ 12
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Embrace your inner chameleon with this innovative spray-on nail polish exclusive to UO from Milk Makeup that makes it so easy to change your look in a pinch. Includes stencils for a totally unique, customizable look. Apply your base coat, spray on polish and then apply your top coat. After drying, wash hands with soap + warm water to remove excess polish from skin. It's as easy as that! Provides quick, effortless, full coverage for girls on the go. Polish can also be sprayed on over other nail polish colors. Milk Makeup is a paraben-free, eco-conscious, innovative product line made of the best possible ingredients with minimal to no preservatives. They see beauty in originality + authenticity and design multi-use products for experimentation and self-expression. <ul> <li>Directions</li> <li>Spray polish: Apply base coat, let dry. Shake can + hold 8 inches from hand. Spray in a sweeping motion to coat nails. Repeat if needed, let dry. Apply top coat, let dry for 5 minutes. Wash hands with soap + warm water to remove excess polish from skin.</li> <li>Stencil: Start with dry base coat or nail polish. Place stencil on nail. Spray a thin layer of spray polish. Allow nails to dry for 2 minutes. Apply top coat, let dry for 5 minutes. Wash hands with soap + warm water to remove excess polish from skin.</li> <li>Includes nail polish + stencil</li> <li>Throwie Dubs Burner 1.27 oz</li> </ul>